
Web & Electronic Indexing SIG


The Web & Electronic Indexing SIG (Special Interest Group) promotes the human indexing of Web sites, HTML and XML documents and Content Management Systems such as Drupal, Joomla! or Wordpress as well as embedded indexing of Microsoft Word, PDF and Framemaker electronic documents, online help, databases, mobile applications and eBooks using software tools such as InDesign, IXgen and DEXembed. See also podcasts, ebooks and videos.

Its first objective is to serve the professional interests of indexers who seek to apply their skills in traditional human indexing to the nontraditional Web medium. This includes the writing of alphabetical (A-Z) indexes for individual Web sites, intranets, online periodicals, and collections of multiple Web sites. It also includes metadata keyword tagging of Web pages and online help and embedded indexing of Word, PDF and eBooks.

Its second objective is to inform the Web design and development, online help and eBook community of the tools and resources for creating Web site, online help, Word and eBook indexes and the advantages of human-created indexes.




  • @victoria_helen

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