A. Bondarenko, M. Fröbe, J. Kiesel, S. Syed, T. Gurcke, M. Beloucif, A. Panchenko, C. Biemann, B. Stein, H. Wachsmuth and 2 other author(s). Advances in Information Retrieval, page 339--346. Germany, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, (Apr 5, 2022)Funding Information: Acknowledgments. This work was partially supported by the Deutsche Forschungs-gemeinschaft (DFG) through the projects “ACQuA” and “ACQuA 2.0” (Answering Comparative Questions with Arguments; grants HA 5851/2-1, HA 5851/2-2, BI 1544/7-1, BI 1544/7-2) and “OASiS: Objective Argument Summarization in Search” (grant WA 4591/3-1), all part of the priority program “RATIO: Robust Argumentation Machines” (SPP 1999), and the German Ministry for Science and Education (BMBF) through the project “Shared Tasks as an Innovative Approach to Implement AI and Big Data-based Applications within Universities (SharKI)” (grant FKZ 16DHB4021). We are also grateful to Jan Heinrich Reimer for developing the TARGER Python library.; 44th European Conference on Information Retrieval, ECIR 2022 ; Conference date: 10-04-2022 Through 14-04-2022.
A. Bondarenko, M. Fröbe, J. Kiesel, S. Syed, T. Gurcke, M. Beloucif, A. Panchenko, C. Biemann, B. Stein, H. Wachsmuth and 2 other author(s). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, (2022)Funding Information: This work was partially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through the projects “ACQuA 2.0” (Answering Comparative Questions with Arguments; project number 376430233) and “OASiS” (Objective Argument Summarization in Search; project number 455913891) as part of the priority program “RATIO: Robust Argumentation Machines” (SPP 1999), and the German Ministry for Science and Education (BMBF) through the project “SharKI” (Shared Tasks as an Innovative Approach to Implement AI and Big Data-based Applications within Universities; grant FKZ 16DHB4021). We are also grateful to Jan Heinrich Reimer for developing the TARGER Python library and Erik Reuter for expanding a document collection for Task 2 with docT5query.; 2022 Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2022 ; Conference date: 05-09-2022 Through 08-09-2022.