Annotea is a W3C Semantic Web Advanced Development project that provides a framework for rich communication about Web pages through shared RDF metadata. An RDF model of bookmark classification permits multiple classification systems to be related to each
If everyone would create good metadata for the purposes of describing their goods, services and information, it would be a trivial matter to search the Internet for highly qualified, context-sensitive results: a fan could find all the downloadable music i
A great jump towards the advent of the Semantic Web will take place when a critical mass of web resources is available for use in a semantic way. This goal can be reached by the creation of semantic meta-data in the publication workflow, or by the develop
Category search within digital repositories is poorly supported. This means that people wishing to access the assets of digital repositories are largely limited to keyword search, which means they must know what they want in order to look for it. Our part
In this column, Uche Ogbuji completes his introduction to XML and semantics, setting the stage for the more practical columns that will follow. Thinking XML addresses knowledge management aspects of XML, including metadata, semantics, Resource Description
This discussion of XML and semantics kicks off a column by Uche Ogbuji on knowledge management aspects of XML, including metadata, semantics, Resource Description Framework (RDF), Topic Maps, and autonomous agents. Approaching the topic from a practical p
This guide contains links to many RDF resources including examples, documents, software, tools and projects that use RDF, a standard for describing resources on the web.
This column, the third in a series, shows how to add semantic knowledge to an RDF application by incorporating WordNet synonym sets. With the added knowledge of the WordNet lexical database, you can search a set of RDF data for related concepts, not just
The basis of RDF's strength as a knowledge-management tool is that it allows you to organize, interrelate, classify, and annotate this knowledge, thereby increasing the aggregate value of the stored data. RDF has a reputation for complexity that is belied
Semanlink is a personal information management system based on RDF. It lets you add tags, as well as other RDF metadata, to files, bookmarks and short text notes that it allows to write. Providing a simple way to organize the tags in a graph, it allows yo
This diagram depicts a spectrum of information sharing capabilities. Moving from lower right to upper left of the diagram, we see that more expressive forms of metadata and semantic modeling encompass the simpler forms, and extend their capabilities. From
FOAF facilitates the creation of the Semantic Web equivalent of the archetypal personal homepage: My name is Leigh, this is a picture of me, I'm interested in XML, and here are some links to my friends. And just like the HTML version, FOAF documents can b
My friends at Flickr have just rolled out something very, very smart -- and potentially game-changing. They have released live meta-data about trends in the camera market based on what they are seeing in pictures uploaded at that popular photo-sharing sit
The "expert" arrogance that occasionally accompanies taxonomies...which are essential...information management tools...[does not acknowledge that] taxonomies are never done, they are not easily emergent, they are incredibly resource-intensive, and they do
We need solutions that can help the many people whose terms and vocabulary are left out of the taxonomy... The simple idea that people’s actions model meaning better than a directory (even a flexible directory) is a critical step forward in thinking ab
Currently, web content is based largely on documents written in HTML, a hypertext markup language coding a body of text that's interspersed with other media (like images, or forms). HTML has limited ability to classify sections of text on a web page so th