S. Auer, and Z. Ives. Emerging Technologies for Semantic Work Environments: Techniques, Methods, and Applications, Information Science Reference (IGI), (April 2008)
S. Tramp, P. Frischmuth, T. Ermilov, and S. Auer. Proceedings of the EKAW 2010 - Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management by the Masses; 11th October-15th October 2010 - Lisbon, Portugal, volume 6317 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), page 135--149. Berlin / Heidelberg, Springer, (October 2010)
S. Auer, K. Lauenroth, S. Lohmann, and T. Riechert (Eds.) Leipziger Beiträge zur Informatik Leipziger Informatik Verbund (LIV), Leipzig, Germany, (September 2009)