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    I enjoy writing and in addition to my published books I offer free Open Content material on this web page. I both enjoy and appreciate feedback on ideas for material and reporting any errors. I offer free web books on Java and artificial intelligence programming, Common Lisp programming, and a new but still incomplete book The Software Design and Development Book. I am also working on a Ruby AI book and a short paper on AI design patterns. I also have a link to an old paper on AI, Go and Consciousness (updated 1/25/2004) available here. I have a short paper Jumpstarting the Semantic Web available here (new version 1/14/2005). I am also starting to include my fiction (short stories) here in addition to computer science web books.
    13 years ago by @draganigajic

    The problem we're trying to solve is to get a game object from the starting point to a goal. Pathfinding addresses the problem of finding a good path from the starting point to the goal―avoiding obstacles, avoiding enemies, and minimizing costs (fuel, time, distance, equipment, money, etc.). Movement addresses the problem of taking a path and moving along it. It's possible to spend your efforts on only one of these. At one extreme, a sophisticated pathfinder coupled with a trivial movement algorithm would find a path when the object begins to move and the object would follow that path, oblivious to everything else. At the other extreme, a movement-only system would not look ahead to find a path (instead, the initial "path" would be a straight line), but instead take one step at a time, considering the local environment at every point. Best results are achieved by using both pathfinding and movement algorithms.
    13 years ago by @draganigajic
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