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    HaMLet "To Be Or Not To Be Standard ML" ;-) HaMLet is a faithful implementation of the Standard ML programming language (SML'97). It aims to be * an accurate reference implementation of the language specification, * a platform for experimentation with the language semantics or extensions to it, * a useful tool for educational purposes. The implementation is intended to be direct a translation of the language found in the Definition of Standard ML * implements complete Standard ML, * closely follows the structure of the Definition, with lots of cross references, * conforms to the latest version of the Standard ML Basis Library * is written entirely in Standard ML, with the ability to bootstrap, * may readily be compiled with SML/NJ, MLton, Moscow ML, Poly/ML, Alice ML, or the ML Kit, or SML#. HaMLet can perform different phases of execution - like parsing, elaboration (type checking), and evaluation - selectively.
    13 years ago by @draganigajic
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