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    Our overriding goal is to create an Inventory of data that are at risk, and whose unique scientific information is in danger of being lost to posterity. We define "data at risk" in this context as scientific data which are not in a format that permits full electronic access to the information which they contain. Such data may be inherently non-digital (e.g. handwritten or photographic), on near-obsolete digital media (such as magnetic tapes) or insufficiently described (lacking meta-data). Some born-digital data can also be considered "at risk" if they cannot be ingested into managed databases because they lack adequate formatting or metadata.
    vor 12 Jahren von @jaj

    Data Together is a new model for distributed, community-driven stewardship of data. This model shows how groups of people, companies, institutions, NGOs, and governments can use decentralized and peer-to-peer web infrastructure to access, discover, verify, and preserve data they care about. We hope to build a future in which networks of collaborators make their data accessible to their peers, immediately discoverable, easily verifiable, and robustly preserved. This site is not a centralized data hosting service. It’s a view onto the decentralized network of individuals, organizations, projects and communities who are using the Data Together model. Data Together is an ongoing, inclusive conversation, an open source community, a collaboration, a model, and a collection of tools, all of which are evolving quickly.
    vor 7 Jahren von @jaj
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