As an extension of the home to the most extensive IP Library in the United States, Pierce Law presents the IP Mall [], an internationally acclaimed IP resource Website providing a unique collection of Pierce Law hosted intellectual property resources and links to the most valuable IP resources in the world (patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, licensing, technology transfer, etc.). It is the creation of Pierce Law's Prof. Jon Cavicchi, J.D., LL.M, and Sitesurfer Publishing's Bill Shaw, M.IP, J.D. Our mission is to offer unique content not available on these other Websites. This content includes Pierce Law produced papers and scholarship, collections of public domain content not online or spanning time periods before other Web collections, unique dedicated topical portals (e.g. Traditional Knowledge Online), News (e.g. IP News Blog) as well as miscellaneous content from IP Mall users looking for a place to host their works.