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    %A Author %B Secondary Title (of a Book or Conference Name) %C Place Published %D Year %E Editor /Secondary Author %F Label %G Language %H Translated Author %I Publisher %J Journal Name %K Keywords %L Call Number %M Accession Number %N Number (Issue) %O Alternate Title %P Pages %Q Translated Title %R DOI %S Tertiary Title %T Title %U URL %V Volume %W Database Provider %X Abstract %Y Tertiary Author / Translator %Z Notes %0 Reference Type %1 Custom 1 %2 Custom 2 %3 Custom 3 %4 Custom 4 %6 Number of Volumes %7 Edition %8 Date %9 Type of Work %? Subsidiary Author %@ ISBN/ISSN %! Short Title %# Custom 5 %$ Custom 6 %] Custom 7 %& Section %( Original Publication %) Reprint Edition %* Reviewed Item %+ Author Address %^ Caption %> File Attachments %< Research Notes %[ Access Date %= Custom 8 %~ Name of Database
    11 years ago by @jil
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