G. Attwell, J. Cook, and A. Ravenscroft. 2nd World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2009), Crete, Greece, (2009), 49, page 15-25. Springer, (2009)
V. Zacharias, S. Braun, and A. Schmidt. Handbook of Research on Web 2.0, 3.0 and X.0: Technologies, Business, and Social Applications, IGI Global, (2009)
S. Braun, A. Schmidt, A. Walter, and V. Zacharias. International Workshop on Emergent Semantics and Ontology Evolution (ESOE), ISWC 2007, Busan/Korea, (2007)
K. Hinkelmann, J. Magenheim, W. Reinhardt, K. Holzweißig, M. Mlynarski, and T. Nelkner. Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale. Second European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2007, Crete, Greece, September 17-20, 2007. Proceedings., volume 4753 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 487-492. Springer, (2007)
S. Braun, and A. Schmidt. 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management (IKNOW '07), Special Track on Integrating Working and Learning in Business (IWL), (2007)
A. Schmidt. Micromedia and Corporate Learning. Proceedings of the 3rd International Microlearning 2007, Innsbruck, Austria, June 2007, page 99-105. Innsbruck University Press, (2007)
R. Maier, and A. Schmidt. 4th Conference Professional Knowledge Management - Experiences and Visions (WM '07), Potsdam, 1, page 325-334. Berlin, GITO, (2007)
H. Happel, and A. Schmidt. 4th Conference Professional Knowledge Management - Experiences and Visions (WM '07), Potsdam, Workshop on Learning Software Organizations (LSO 07), 2, page 155-164. Berlin, GITO, (2007)
S. Braun, A. Schmidt, A. Walter, G. Nagypal, and V. Zacharias. Proceedings of the Workshop on Social and Collaborative Construction of Structured Knowledge at the 16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 07), Banff, Canada, (2007)
S. Braun, A. Schmidt, and V. Zacharias. 4th Conference on Professional Knowledge Management - Experiences and Visions, Workshop on Productive Knowledge Work (ProKW 07), 2, page 217-226. Berlin, GITO, (28-30 March 2007)