This Project works to preserve Donella (Dana) H. Meadows’s legacy as an inspiring leader, scholar, writer, and teacher. We aim to maintain an easily accessible archive of Dana’s work online.
Mercato Circolare connette persone, imprese, istituzioni per far crescere l’economia circolare tramite la app e attraverso consulenze ed eventi formativi.
Scheda film Domani (2015) - Streaming | Leggi la recensione, trama, cast completo, critica e guarda trailer, foto, immagini, poster e locandina del film diretto da Cyril Dion, Mélanie Laurent con
Benvenuti nel carrello della spesa virtuale, scopri il costo ambientale della tua spesa. Possiamo contrastare la scarsità d'acqua e il riscaldamento globale anche a tavola
This survey shows that a large majority of EU citizens in all EU Member States regard protecting the environment as important to them personally, while more than half of Europeans think it is very important. Over three-quarters of respondents agree that environmental issues have a direct effect on their daily life and health, and more than eight in ten are worried about the impact of chemicals present in everyday products. Europeans think that the most effective ways of tackling environmental problems are to ‘change the way we consume’ and to ‘change the way we produce and trade’ The survey findings indicate that Europeans want more to be done to protect the environment, and that responsibility should be shared by big companies and industry, national governments and the EU, as well as citizens themselves. #####The results by volumes are distributed as follows: * Volume A: Countries * Volume AA: Groups of countries * Volume A' (AP): Trends * Volume AA' (AAP): Trends of groups of countries * Volume B: EU/socio-demographics * Volume B' (BP) : Trends of EU/ socio-demographics * Volume C: Country/socio-demographics ---- Researchers may also contact GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences: [](