Creates links to bible references in your Joomla content items on your site and any components that support content plugins. Clicking on the resulting link will display the verse(s) utilizing BibleGateway's online bible database. Optional audio and comment links as well.
online and offline texts for the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) and the RaMBaM's Complete Restatement of the Oral Law (Mishneh Torah) as well as some additional materials.
Dynamic and multi-modal web-based vocabulary learning tool for Biblical Hebrew. Built using XML, Python, CSS, Javascript, and HTML. From "Using the Vocabularies" ...can be sorted according to Hebrew, English gloss, root, semantic and frequency. Double clicking... displays... the Hebrew word (with animation from right to left), its gloss (approximate English rendering), root, grammatical information, and a relevant Hebrew phrase presenting the word in context. From "About the Project" ...developed at The University of Auckland in a project team consisting of staff from its School of Theology and the Centre for Flexible and Distance Learning. It utilises the web to provide the framework for a multimedia vocabulary which can be customised by teachers and augmented by selected scholars...