Twinkle is a flashcard program for Palm Pilot handhelds. Twinkle includes most features found in commercial software. A Java program for the PC is included to edit the flashcards and import SuperMemo databases. Japanese font support is also present.
This web site provides information about Unicode fonts, Unicode-enabled software, internationalization, and Unicode usability issues on free/libre/open source (FLOSS) operating systems.
Partners in Language Development: By facilitating language-based development, SIL International serves the peoples of the world through research, translation, and literacy.
Two (2) maps of American English dialectal regions -- the first by Robert Delaney (with descriptions) and another by Jeremy Smith (see link below second map)
B. Klimek, N. Arndt, S. Krause, and T. Arndt. The 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 23-28 May 2016, Slovenia, Portorož, (2016)