
Queer theory and the creation of contextual subject access tools for gay and lesbian communities

Knowledge Organization, 27 (3): 122 - 131 (2000)


Knowledge organization research has come to question the theoretical distinction between 'aboutness' (a document's innate content) and 'meaning' (the use to which a document is put). This distinction has relevance beyond Information Studies, particularly in relation to homosexual concerns. Literary criticism, in particular, frequently addresses the question: when is a work 'about' homosexuality? Explores this literary debate, and considers its implications for the design of subject access systems for gay and lesbian communities. Examines the literary criticism of Herman Melville's 'Billy Budd,' especially with respect to the theories of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick in 'The Epistemology of the Closet.' Exposes three tensions that designers of gay and lesbian classifications and vocabularies can expect to face: (1) a tension between essentialist and constructivist views of homosexuality, which affects the choice of terms, categories, and references; (2) a tension between 'minoritizing' and uni



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