
STICKAPP Android Application using Android Studio

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International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES), 5 (1): 1-3 (November 2018)


Developing world arising with technologies find its way better to serve the consumer in every possible way. E-commerce, the great idea which lets consumer purchase products without any hassle from their place itself. The development of Ecommerce gave an impact of satisfaction and trust over the products by the consumers which made a great influence in fast moving world. Several existing apps sell different products through application or website but there is no particular designated app for selling stickers. With the development of technologies and idea of E-commerce an application for stickers, number plates will relieve people from hurdles faced by them and enhances comfort from their place. Existing system have several drawbacks such as the consumer have to make a physical contact with retailer, digital money is not used, a single retailer cannot satisfy the desire of the consumer in terms of their interest, no particular app for sticker and customization according to consumer’s keen. The system uses string matching algorithm and quick sort. The delivery module uses bees algorithm to efficiently deliver the product.



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