
Tinnitus is a common symptom occurring in 10-15% of the general population. Different methods for the assessment of tinnitus, such as clinical gradings, psychoacoustical measurements and questionnaires are described, but also objective methods, e.g. imaging and brain functions. Judging from the literature and personal research, the relationships between the severity of tinnitus and psychological factors such as depression and poor concentration seem to more clearly demonstrated than those derived by psychoacoustical measurements. There is a demand for robust measurements of tinnitus, but there is no consensus in the grading of its severity. Our suggestion is to assess tinnitus suffering in adults (18-65 years) by its impact on working capacity. In the evaluation of tinnitus a tinnitus-specific questionnaire is useful, as well as a non-diagnosis-specific health questionnaire. The Tinnitus Severity Questionnaire (TSQ) and Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) are suggested. In the evaluation of rehabilitation program effects, visual analogue scales appear to be valuable. The association of psychological/psychiatric factors with the suffering of tinnitus must be taken into account early in the clinical assessement of tinnitus.

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