
Why Search is Not Enough --- White Paper

Online report, (2003)


Connecting people to the information they need has become a matter of dollars and cents. Therefore, information-finding applications that answer questions, search, browse, summarizse, or analyze text have become critical to the successful functioning of the enterprise. Search is no longer enough. To meet the needs of users, information systems must be expanded to encompass more than search. They must offer browsing, direct question answering, and stateful interaction with the system to refine queries and offer related information. They must also track and analyze usage so that enterprises can understand whether or not their customers can employees are finding what they seek and take steps to remedy the holes in their content. This study explores the aspects of information finding that go beyond standard search and proposes features that should be included in a next-generation information system. The list of requirements is then used to discuss InQuira 6.



  • @diego_ma

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