
Interleukin-2 potentiates novelty- and GBR 12909-induced exploratory activity

. Brain Res, 899 (1-2): 1-9 (April 2001)


Interleukin (IL)-2 is a cytokine that influences exploratory behavior and central dopamine activity in rodents, and induces schizophrenic-like behavior and cognitive deficits in humans. We presently report that a single i.p. injection of murine IL-2 (0.05-0.80 microg/mouse) induced significant increases in novelty-induced locomotion and exploration in BALB/c mice. These measures were not significantly altered in mice that were pre-exposed to the test cage prior to cytokine injection. The IL-2-induced behavioral changes were not further augmented by repeated intermittent injections (five daily i.p. injections; 0.4 microg/mouse), however. Nonetheless, during the treatment period, activity scores of IL-2-treated mice significantly exceeded those of mice receiving saline; hence, repeated injections of IL-2 induced a persistent behavioral activation. IL-2 treatment also increased sensitivity to the behavior-stimulating effects of GBR 12909, a highly selective dopamine uptake inhibitor. This effect was a very long-lasting one since the dopamine agonist was administered 6 weeks after cessation of IL-2 treatment. The latter finding indicates that IL-2 interacts with the mesolimbic dopamine system, changing its sensitivity to seemingly different substances. Based on these data, and those of Zalcman and colleagues (S. Zalcman, I. Savina, R.A. Wise, Interleukin-6 increases sensitivity to the locomotor-stimulating effects of amphetamine in rats, Brain Res. 847 (1999) 276-283), it is suggested that cytokines can influence the development of behavioral abnormalities that are characteristic of aberrant mesolimbic dopamine activity via sensitization-like processes.


Interleukin-2 potentiates novelty- and GBR 12909-i... [Brain Res. 2001] - PubMed - NCBI

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