
The paper presents an overview of the floristic survey of aquatic medicinal plants carried out during 2011- 2012 in Ponnani kole wetland ecosystem. The study aimed at exploring the wealth of known medicinal plants of this important site, a part of Vembanad kole Ramsar site, which still remains undocumented. The main objective was to assess and document the potential of floral resources in healthcare that are discarded as weeds. During the present investigation 12 stations were selected and surveyed in different administrative zones of Ponnani kolelands. From each station four 10m transects were observed for the floristic composition and samples were collected for identification. The investigation on the community composition of medicinal herbs in the Ponnani kole reveals the presence of 26 species under 23 genera and 18 families with strictly aquatic habitat. Taxonomic identification of medicinal plants collected from study area was done using available keys, taxonomic revisions and monographs. The data on the medicinally important plants indicate that the observed species were used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory ailments, dermatological problems, urinogenital complaints, cardiovascular problems and neurodisorders. Among the listed plant species Centella asiatica, Evolvulus alsinoides, Bacopa monnieri, Hygrophila schulli and Cynodon dactylon are very important in medical field and used against different ailments. Therefore population of these plant species need to be maintained in situ by proper conservation methods and adopting organized cultivation techniques. Kole wetlands not only provide useful resources for livelihood and healthcare but also are important in terms of ecology and maintaining the microclimate of the region. Continuous monitoring and conservation of kolelands of Ponnani is important to safeguard the biological wealth of the study area.

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