
Animal models of neuropathies.

, and .
Baillieres Clin Neurol, 5 (1): 77--105 (March 1996)


Neuropathy in animals is either genetically determined or is provoked by chemical compounds or physical injury. Diabetes in mice and rats may be spontaneous or induced, but a true copy of diabetic neuropathy in man is not yet available. Painful neuropathy occurs after nerve constriction or neuroma formation. A mouse mutant with delayed Wallerian degeneration demonstrates the pivotal role of this process for the regeneration of injured axons. Surprisingly, the neurotoxic effect of cisplatin which is severe in cancer patients has not yet unambiguously been reproduced in animals. Genetically determined diseases in mutants or transgenic animals may affect the myelination of peripheral axons. 'Trembler mice' are deficient in myelin and possibly correspond to CMT IA in man. The relation of sensory neuronopathies in mice, rats and dogs to human diseases is not yet clear. Motor neuronopathies in experimental animals have attracted much interest, because the recent discovery of motoneuronotrophic factors has raised high hopes. Most of the mutants described have not been appropriately studied, and the mouse mutant 'motoneurone disease' (mnd) eventually was found to have Batten's disease. None of the few more thoroughly studied models is probably a copy of human disease, although they may none the less help to test new therapies.



  • @drmoldovan

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