
Wikipedia and the Semantic Web, Part II

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Proceedings of Wikimania 2006 - The Second International Wikimedia Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA, Wikimedia Foundation, (августа 2007)


At last year's Wikimania, we presented the idea of combining Wikipedia, the world's biggest collaboratively created source of encyclopedic knowledge, and the Semantic Web, a project to create a world wide decentralized knowledge base on top of the current web. We identified the need to allow knowledge processing in a computer assisted way within Wikipedia, for example to intelligently query the knowledge base, and allow for new navigation, browsing and knowledge management features, like automatically created lists or unit conversion. To this end, we proposed the introduction of typed links as a simple and unintrusive way for rendering large parts of Wikipedia machine readable. Since last year the proposal was discussed, changed and extended. Implementation has started, and the extension has been installed and tested in several sites. In this paper we present the extensions that have been included to the original proposal and the current state of the implementation, as well as some of the future plans.


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  • @heikohaller
  • @nepomuk

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