
We present a detailed analysis of key attributes and performancecharacteristics of controllably-spun birefringent-fiber-based all-fiberwaveplates or ?all fiber polarization transformers? (AFPTs), first proposedand demonstrated by Huang 11; these AFPTs consist essentially of a longcarefully-designed ?spin-twisted? high-birefringence fiber, fabricated byslowly varying the spin rate of a birefringent fiber preform (either from veryfast to very slow or vice versa) while the fiber is being drawn. The evolutionof the eigenstate from a linear polarization state to a circular polarizationstate, induced by slow variation of the intrinsic structure from linearanisotropy at the unspun end to circular anisotropy at the fast-spun end,enables the AFPT to behave like an all-fiber quarter-wave plate independentof the wavelength of operation. Power coupling between local eigenstatescauses unique evolution of the polarization state along the fiber, and hasbeen studied to gain insight into ? as well as to understand detailedcharacteristics of -- the polarization transformation behavior. This has beengraphically illustrated via plots of the relative power in these localeigenstates as a function of distance along the length of the fiber and plotsof the extinction ratio of the output state of polarization (SOP) as a functionof distance and the normalized spin rate. Deeper understanding of suchpolarization transformers has been further elucidated by quantitativecalculations related to two crucial requirements for fabricating practicalAFPT devices. Our calculations have also indicated that the polarizationmode dispersion behaviour of the AFPT is much smaller than that of theoriginal birefringent fiber. Finally, a specific AFPT was experimentallyinvestigated at two widely-separated wavelengths (1310 nm and 1550 nm)of interest in telecommunications systems applications, furtherdemonstrating and elucidating the broadband character of such AFPTs.

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