
On a new approach to quantum gravity called Electro-Magnetic Quantum Gravity (EMQG) which is manifestly compatible with Cellular Automata (CA) theory and is based on a new theory of inertia (ref. 5) proposed by R. Haisch, A. Rueda, and H. Puthoff (which we modified and called Quantum Inertia). Newtonian Inertia is due to the strictly local electrical force interactions of matter with the surrounding charged virtual particles of the quantum vacuum. The sum of all the tiny electrical forces originating from each charged particle in the mass with respect to the vacuum, is the source of the total inertial force of a mass which opposes accelerated motion in Newton's law 'F = MA'. The problems and paradoxes of accelerated motion introduced in Mach's principle are solved by suggesting that the state of acceleration of the charged virtual particles of the quantum vacuum (with respect to a mass) serves as Newton's universal reference frame for the mass. Einstein's principle of equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass was invoked to understand the origin of gravitational mass from the perspective of quantum inertia. We found that gravity also involves the same 'inertial' electromagnetic force component that exists for inertial mass. Therfore, we propose that the Weak Equivalence Principle is a physical phenomenon originating from common 'lower level' quantum processes occurring in both gravitational mass and inertial mass.



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