
Classical radiation from a uniformly accelerated charge

, and .
Annals of Physics, 9 (4): 499--517 (April 1960)


The old and much-debated question, whether a charge in uniform acceleration radiates, is discussed in detail and its implications are pointed out. Many contradictory statements in the literature are analyzed and those answers which can be given on the basis of the standard classical Maxwell-Lorentz equations are presented. Although the questions that remain open are difficult and fundamental, some simple results can be proved: Contrary to claims in some standard sources (Pauli, von Laue), a charge in uniform acceleration does radiate. The radiation rate is finite, invariant, and constant in time in the instantaneous rest system. There is no contradiction of this fact with either the principle of conservation of energy or the principle of equivalence. Finally, the group of conformal transformations is found to be not physically meaningful.



  • @janpaniev

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