
Superconducting order parameter of the nodal-line semimetal NaAlSi

, , , , , , and .
APL Mater., 7 (12): 121103 (Dec 10, 2019)
DOI: 10.1063/1.5124242


Nodal-line semimetals are topologically nontrivial states of matter featuring band crossings along a closed curve, i.e., nodal-line, in momen-tum space. Through a detailed analysis of the electronic structure, we show, for the first time, that the normal state of the superconductor NaAlSi, with a critical temperature of Tc ≈ 7 K, is a nodal-line semimetal, where the complex nodal-line structure is protected by nonsym-morphic mirror crystal symmetries. We further report on muon spin rotation experiments revealing that the superconductivity in NaAlSi is truly of bulk nature, featuring a fully gapped Fermi-surface. The temperature-dependent magnetic penetration depth can be well described by a two-gap model consisting of two s-wave symmetric gaps with Δ1 = 0.6(2) meV and Δ2 = 1.39(1) meV. The zero-field muon experiment indi-cates that time-reversal symmetry is preserved in the superconducting state. Our observations suggest that, notwithstanding its topologically nontrivial band structure, NaAlSi may be suitably interpreted as a conventional London superconductor, while more exotic superconducting gap symmetries cannot be excluded. The intertwining of topological electronic states and superconductivity renders NaAlSi a prototypical platform to search for unprecedented topological quantum phases.



  • @ctqmat

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