
Practical Evaluation of Efficient Fitness Functions for Binary Images

. Applications of Evolutionary Computing, EvoWorkshops2005: EvoBIO, EvoCOMNET, EvoHOT, EvoIASP, EvoMUSART, EvoSTOC, volume 3449 of LNCS, page 314--324. Lausanne, Switzerland, Springer Verlag, (30 March-1 April 2005)
DOI: doi:10.1007/b106856


Genetic Programming can be used to evolve complex objects. One field, where GP may be used is image analysis. There are several works using evolutionary methods to process, analyse or classify images. All these procedures need an appropriate fitness function, that is a similarity measure. However, computing such measures usually needs a lot of computational time. To solve this problem, the notion of efficiently computable fitness functions was introduced, and their theory was already examined in detail. the practical aspects of these fitness functions are discussed.

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