
The use of Genetic programing in Exploring 3D Design Worlds

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CAAD Futures 97, page 885--917. Technical University Munich, Germany, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (4-6 August 1997)


1) Using Genetic Programming in an interactive 3d shape grammar (Amy Tan and P S Coates) A report of a generative system combining genetic programming(GP) and 3D shape grammars. The reas oning that backs up the basis for this work depends on the interpretation of design as search In this system, a 3D form is a computer program made up of functions (transformations and terminals (building blocks). Each program evaluates into a structure. Hence, in this instance a program is synonymous with form. Building blocks of form are platonic solids (box, cylinder....etc.). A Variety of combinations of the simple affine transformations of translation, scaling, rotation together with Boolean operations of union, subtraction and intersection performed on the building blocks generate different configurations of 3D fo rms. Using to the methodology of genetic programming, an initial population of such programs are randomly generated,subjected to a test for fitness (the eyeball test). Individual programs that have passed the test are selected to be parents for reproducing the next generation of programs via the process of recombination. 2) Using a GA to evolve rule sets to achieve a goal configuration (T.Broughton and P.Coates). The aim of these experiments was to build a framework in which a structure's form could be defined by a set of instructions encoded into its genetic make-up. This was achieved by combining a generative rule system commonly used to model biological growth with a genetic algorithm simulaoing the evolutionary process of selection to evolve nn adaptive rule system capable of replicating any preselected 3-D shape. The generative modelling technique used is a string rewnting Lindenmayer system the genes of the emergent structures are the production rules of the L-system, and the spatial representation of the structures uses the geometry of iso-spatial dense-packed spheres.



  • @brazovayeye

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