
Customer Perceived Risk and Adoption of E Banking Services in Southeast Nigeria The Moderating Effect of Educational Qualification



The study examined the relationship between perceived risk and the adoption of electronic banking in Southeast, Nigeria with the moderating effect of selected Socio demographics, Specifically, the study addressed the relationship between the seven dimensions of perceived risk financial, performance, social, physical, privacy, time and psychological risks and the adoption of electronic banking in the south eastern region of Nigeria using the moderating effect of educational qualification. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design questionnaires were employed in collecting primary data while documentary sources were adopted for secondary data. The population of the study was made up of electronic banking users in the five States that make up the south east region of Nigeria. Since the population is unknown, the Cochran formula for determining sample size for an infinite population was adopted to get the sample size of four hundred and ninety 490 electronic banking adopters. Descriptive statistics were used to check the behaviour of the data. The data from 424 valid responses were analysed and hypotheses tested using the Structural Equation Model SEM and with the aid of WarpPLS 6.0 software. Results from the study revealed that perceived risks in its seven dimension examined, has a significant relationship with the adoption of E banking in Southeast, Nigeria, The results showed that the following risk dimensions were significantly moderated by educational qualification Financial risk, privacy risk, social risk and Psychological risk, meanwhile, performance, physical and time risk were not moderated by educational qualification thus recommended that Managers of financial institutions should strategically develop plans to reduced or eliminate the risk perceived by customers by organizing educational programs to facilitate the adoption of e banking services in Nigeria. Chibike Onyije Nwuba | Prof Ireneus Chukwudi Nwaizugbo "Customer Perceived Risk and Adoption of E-Banking Services in Southeast Nigeria: The Moderating Effect of Educational Qualification" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-5 , August 2021, URL: Paper URL:



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