
Rule-following in a CAPSI-taught course.

, , , , , and .
(May 2003)


Students in four undergraduate psychology courses taught using a computer-aided personalized system of instruction (CAPSI) at the University of Manitoba were presented with a new set of rules in the general course manual. A question about the rules was added to a study unit dealing with course procedures. Students were required to demonstrate mastery of this unit before proceeding in the course, increasing the likelihood that the new rules were rehearsed. The set of rules specifically targeted accuracy and peer-review feedback, as well as test writer responses such as appeals, with a mild contingency for not following the rules. Archived records of these responses will be assessed by independent raters, and reliability checks will be performed. It is expected that proctor accuracy, feedback, and appeals will increase in quality and number as a result of presentation of the rules. The implications for this research include developing ways to better train CAPSI proctors and test writers, and determine the most effective ways to gain stimulus control over students’ behaviours.



  • @toby

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