
Extreme Tagging: Emergent Semantics through the Tagging of Tags

, und . Proceedings of the International Workshop on Emergent Semantics and Ontology Evolution (ESOE2007) at ISWC/ASWC2007, Busan, South Korea, (November 2007)


While the Semantic Web requires a large amount of structured knowledge (triples) to allow machine reasoning, the acquisition of this knowledge still represents an open issue. Indeed, expressing expert knowledge in a given formalism is a tedious process. Less structured annotations such as tagging have, however, proved immensely popular, whilst existing unstructured or semi-structured collaborative knowledge bases such as Wikipedia have proven to be useful and scalable. Both processes are often regulated through social mechanisms such as wiki-like operations, recommendations, ratings, and collaborative games. To promote collaborative tagging as a means to acquire unstructured as well as structured knowledge we introduce the notion of Extreme Tagging, which describes systems which allow the tagging of resources, as well as of tags themselves and their relations. We provide a formal description of extreme tagging followed by examples and highlight the necessity of regulatory processes which can be applied to it. We also present a prototype implementation.

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