
Improving the accuracy of UML metamodel extensions by introducing induced associations

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Software and Systems Modeling, 7 (3): 361--379 (July 2008)


Abstract^A ^A In the process of extending the UML metamodel for a specific domain, the metamodel specifier introduces frequently some metaassociations at MOF level M2 with the aim that they induce some specific associations at MOF level M1. For instance, if a metamodel for software process modelling states that a ^a€oeRole"i¿½? is responsible for an ^a€oeArtifact"i¿½?, we can interpret that its specifier intended to model two aspects: (1) the implications of this metaassociation at level M1 (e.g., the specific instance of Role ^a€oeTestEngineer"i¿½? is responsible for the specific instance of Artifact ^a€oeTestPlans"i¿½?); and (2) the implications of this metaassociation at level M0 (e.g., ^a€oeJohn Doe"i¿½? is the responsible test engineer for elaborating the test plans for the package ^a€oeFoo"i¿½?). Unfortunately, the second aspect is often not enforced by the metamodel and, as a result, the models which are defined as its instances may not incorporate it. This problem, consequence of the so-called ^a€oeshallow instantiation"i¿½? in Atkinson and Khne (Procs. UML^a€™01, LNCS 2185, Springer, 2001), prevents these models from being accurate enough in the sense that they do not express all the information intended by the metamodel specifier and consequently do not distinguish metaassociations that induce associations at M1 from those that do not. In this article we introduce the concept of induced association that may come up when an extension of the UML metamodel is developed. The implications that this concept has both in the extended metamodel and in its instances are discussed. We also present a methodology to enforce that M1 models incorporate the associations induced by the metamodel which they are instances from. Next, as an example of application we present a quality metamodel for software artifacts which makes intensive use of induced associations. Finally, we introduce a software tool to assist the development of quality models as correct instantiations of the metamodel, assuring the proper application of the induced associations as required by the metamodel.



  • @leonardo

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