
A Lifestyle/Nutraceutical Program for Minimizing Colorectal Cancer Risk by Opposing β-Catenin Activity in Colonic Epithelium

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Advances in Preventive Medicine and Health Care, 4 (1): 10 (2021)


Up-regulated activity of β-catenin, which serves as a coactivator for TCF/LEF transcription factors and thereby promotes transcription of genes promoted cellular proliferation, opposing apoptosis, and aiding cellular migration, is known to be a key driver of colorectal cancer induction. An analysis of the molecular pathways influencing β-catenin activation indicates that lifestyle, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical measures linked in epidemiology and rodent studies to decreased risk for this malignancy, are protective at least in part owing to a down-regulatory impact on β-catenin activity. Such measures include wholefood fiber-rich plant-based diets, ingestion of cruciferous vegetables, aerobic exercise training, daily low-dose aspirin, metformin therapy, and increased intake of vitamin D, calcium, and soy isoflavones. There is also reason to suspect that supplementation with high doses of folate and of biotin may oppose β-catenin activity and colorectal cancer induction via increased production of cGMP in colorectal epithelium, that the sesame lignin sesamol may likewise provide protection in this regard by targeting colonic NOX1 activity, that quercetin or more soluble derivatives thereof may decrease colorectal cancer risk via inhibition of the kinase CK2, and that astaxanthin may decrease this risk by increasing plasma adiponectin and via antioxidant activity. Scope for prevention of colorectal cancer – still the number 2 cancer killer despite screening strategies that can often detect it in a surgically curable stage – may be quite substantial.



  • @alyssacarter

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