
Mott Phase in Polarized Two-component Atomic Fermi Lattice Gas:A Playground for S=1/2 Heisenberg Model in Magnetic Field

, , , , , and .
(May 2008)


We investigate effects of pseudo-spin population imbalance on Mott phases in 1D trapped two-component atomic Fermi gases loaded on optical lattices based on the repulsive Hubbard model in harmonic traps. By using the density matrix renormalization group method, we numerically calculate density profiles of each component and clarify the pseudo-spin magnetism. In the case of large population imbalance, we find Wigner crystal like structures for the spatial distribution of the minority pseudo-spin component inside the central Mott core. When the population imbalance becomes small, the structure disappears, and antiferromagnetic configurations instead appear together with their spin-density wave like modulations. These all features are well described by S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain under magnetic field.



  • @tobiasgt79

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