
Transverse bacterial migration induced by chemotaxis in a packed column with structured physical heterogeneity

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Environ Sci Technol, 43 (15): 5921-5927 (August 2009)


The significance of chemotaxis in directing bacterial migration toward contaminants in natural porous media was investigated under groundwater flow conditions. A laboratory-scale column, with a coarse-grained sand core surrounded by a fine-grained annulus, was used to simulate natural aquifers with strata of different hydraulic conductivities. A chemoattractant source was placed along the central axis of the column to model contaminants trapped in the heterogeneous subsurface. Chemotactic bacterial strains, Escherichia coli HCB1 and Pseudomonas putida F1, introduced into the column by a pulse injection, were found to alter their transport behaviors under the influence of the attractant chemical emanating from the central source. For E. coil HCB1, approximately 18% more of the total population relative to the control without attractant exited the column from the coarse sand layer due to the chemotactic effects of alpha-methylaspartate under an average fluid velocity of 5.1 m/d. Although P. putida F1 demonstrated no observable changes in migration pathways with the model contaminant acetate under the same flow rate, when the flow rate was reduced to 1.9 m/d, approximately 6-10% of the population relative to the control migrated from the fine sand layer toward attractant into the coarse sand layer. Microbial transport properties were further quantified by a mathematical model to examine the significance of bacterial motility and chemotaxis under different hydrodynamic conditions, which suggested important considerations for strain selection and practical operation of bioremediation schemes.



  • @quantentunnel

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