
Islands of Stability in Motif Distributions of Random Networks

, , , , and .
Physical Review Letters, (Aug 26, 2014)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.095701


We consider random non-directed networks subject to dynamics conserving vertex degrees and study analytically and numerically equilibrium three-vertex motif distributions in the presence of an external field, \$h\$, coupled to one of the motifs. For small \$h\$ the numerics is well described by the "chemical kinetics" for the concentrations of motifs based on the law of mass action. For larger \$h\$ a transition into some trapped motif state occurs in Erd\Hos-Rényi networks. We explain the existence of the transition by employing the notion of the entropy of the motif distribution and describe it in terms of a phenomenological Landau-type theory with a non-zero cubic term. A localization transition should always occur if the entropy function is non-convex. We conjecture that this phenomenon is the origin of the motifs' pattern formation in real evolutionary networks.



  • @nonancourt

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