
Review: Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed Wire

(Oct 6, 2017)


Today's classic functional programming paper we will review is Meijer et al.'s Functional Programming with Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed Wire. The exciting gist of the paper is that all explicit recursion can be factored out into a few core combinators. As such, the reasoning is that we should instead learn these combinators (or ” recursion schemes” as they're called), rather than doing our own ad-hoc recursion whenever we need it. Despite being a marvelous paper, it falls into the all-too-common flaw of functional programming papers, which is to have an absolutely horrible title. ” Bananas”, ” lenses”, ” envelopes” and ” barbed wire” correspond to obscure pieces of syntax invented to express these ideas. In our treatment of the literature, we will instead use standard Haskell syntax, and refer to the paper as Functional Programming with Recursion Schemes.



  • @gdmcbain

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