
What Shapes the Structure of Molecular Clouds: Turbulence or Gravity?

, and . (2011)cite arxiv:1111.2827Comment: 5 pages, 4 color figures; submitted to ApJ Letters.


We discuss the origin of Larson's scaling relations that describe the structure and kinematics of molecular clouds, based on recent observations and simulations of supersonic turbulence. Using dimensional analysis and results from large-scale numerical experiments, we first show that both linewidth--size and mass--size correlations observed on scales 0.1-50 pc can be explained by a simple conceptual theory of compressible turbulence without resorting to the often assumed virial equilibrium condition. The scaling laws can be consistently interpreted as a signature of supersonic turbulence with no need to invoke gravity. We then show how self-similarity of structure established by the turbulence breaks in star-forming clouds through development of gravitational instabilities in the vicinity of the sonic scale, l_s~0.1 pc, leading to the formation of prestellar cores.


[1111.2827] What Shapes the Structure of Molecular Clouds: Turbulence or Gravity?

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