
Metadata output and its impact on the researcher



While the major uses of the catalogue continue to be its search and inventory functions, the move from card catalogue to computer has opened up new possibilities for the catalogue to create impact as a data source. This paper explores the potential of library metadata as a source for scholarly research. As Calhoun (2014) points out, machine-to-machine web services have allowed developers of websites to reuse data from booksellers and Google Books on their own sites. Theorists and practitioners have long called for improvements in library metadata to allow for better sharing not only within the library community but more widely (cf. Bannerjee, 2002; Coyle, 2008), resulting in international projects presenting catalogue data in XML and / or RDF formats (cf. Library of Congress, 2012; IFLA, 2013; Willer and Dunsire, 2013). For individual users, Library Management Systems and discovery layers offer a variety of download options, usually including text, CSV and RIS files. Many libraries also allow their holdings to be searched and downloaded via reference management software, (Thomson Reuters, 2014). Despite calls for greater output options (Calhoun, 2006), this is an area about which little has been published. The availability of a plethora of download options indicates that libraries recognize that users have a wide range of needs. However, many web offerings are still targeted solely at reference management. This paper explores the uses to which catalogue data can be put by researchers involved in digital scholarship (cf. Tomm, 2012) and by libraries themselves in evaluating their collections (cf. OCLC, 2014). Quantitative Digital Humanities tools offer possibilities for further exploration of library’s holdings and for catalogue information to be utilized as Big Data. Metadata output for scholarly research is an emergent field in which libraries can increase their impact with small amendments to their current systems and web offerings. References Banerjee, Kyle (2002). How Does XML Help Libraries? Computers in Libraries 22(8), Calhoun, Karen (2006). The Changing Nature of the Catalog and Its Integration with Other Discovery Tools. Washington DC: Library of Congress, \textless\textgreater Calhoun, Karen (2014). Exploring Digital Libraries: Foundations, Practice, Prospects. London: Facet. Coyle, Karen (2008). Keynote. R&D: RDA in RDF , or, Can Resource Description Become Rigorous Data? Code4Lib Conference, March, IFLA Cataloguing Section ISBD/XML Review Group (2013). Activity Report, 2012-2013. IFLA, 2013, \textless\_2012-2013.pdf\textgreater Library of Congress (2012). Bibliographic Framework as a Web of Data: Linked Model and Supporting Services. Library of Congress, \textless\_2012-2013.pdf\textgreater OCLC (2014). Collection Evaluation, \textless\textgreater Thomson Reuters (2014). Endnote. Online Databases. Endnote Export Providers, \textless\textgreater Tomm, Jillian (2012). The Imprint of the Scholar: an Analysis of the Printed Books of McGill University’s Raymond Klobansky Collection: thesis. Montreal: McGill University, \textless¤t\_base=GEN01&object\_id=114196\textgreater Willer, Mirna and Dunsire, Gordon (2013). Bibliographic Information Organization in the Semantic Web. Oxford: Chandos.



  • @lepsky

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