
Modern computer-aided design (CAD) systems and software tools have played a significant role in improving the efficiency of the overall product design process, ensuring geometric accuracy and the exchange of product model data.However, the impact of these technologies is largely restricted to the detailed modeling and engineering analysis that occur during the embodiment design phase. Conceptual design has not benefited from these sophisticated and highly precise software tools to the same degree because the creative activities associated with developing and communicating potential solutions with minimal details is far less formulaic in its implementation. At the early stages of product design the specifications and constraints have not been fully established. The industrial designers and engineers need the freedom to change and modify the product configuration and mechanical behavior to investigate a wide range of alternative solutions. Any CAD system that seeks to support and enhance conceptual design must, therefore, enable natural and haptic modes of human-computer interaction. Recent advancements in high- speed, multi-core computer hardware and virtual reality (VR) technology provide opportunities to link the more fluid processes of creative conceptual design with the rigidly defined tasks of product detailing and engineering analysis. This paper discusses the role that virtual reality can play for concept design module.

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