
Two-particle quantum interference in tunnel-coupled optical tweezers

, , , , , , , und .
Science, 345 (6194): 306--309 (18.07.2014)
DOI: 10.1126/science.1250057


Bosons are a type of particle that likes to congregate. This property has a major effect on the behavior of identical bosons. Kaufman et al. demonstrated quantum interference of two bosonic Rb atoms placed in two neighboring quantum wells (see the Perspective by Thompson and Lukin). They prepared the atoms in exactly the same state so that there would be no way to tell them apart except for which well each atom was in. They then monitored the probability of the two atoms still being in separate wells. At certain times, the probability had a characteristic dip signifying that the bosons preferred to be in the same well.



  • @rspreeuw

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