
Visual system of human beings does not process the complete area of image rather focus upon limited area of visual image. But in which area does the visual attention focused is a topic of hot research nowadays. Research on psychological phenomenon indicates that attention is attracted to features that differ from its surroundings or the one that are unusual or unfamiliar to the human visual system. Detection of visually salient image regions is useful for applications like object segmentation, adaptive compression, and object recognition. Object or region based image processing can be performed more efficiently with information pertaining locations that are visually salient to human perception with the aid of a saliency map. Recently many authors have used wavelet domain for detection of salient regions. This domain has shown promising results but almost all the authors have ignored the detail components of wavelet domain which may have some useful information. So in this paper we have tried to use the wavelet domain method to detect salient regions using approximation and all detail components. Further this saliency map will be used for steganography.

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