
Quercus species differ in water and nutrient characteristics in a resource-limited fall-line sandhill habitat

, , and . Tree Physiology, (2000)


We compared co-occurring mature Quercus laevis Walt. (turkey oak), Q. margaretta Ashe (sand post oak) and Q. incana Bartr. (bluejack oak) trees growing in resourcelimited sandhill habitats of the southeastern United States for water and nutrient characteristics. The Quercus spp. differed in their distribution along soil water and nutrient gradients, and in their access to and use of water, even though the study year was wetter than average with no mid-season drought. Quercus laevis had the greatest access to soil water (least negative predawn water potential, ?pd) and the most conservative water- use strategy based on its relatively low stomatal conductance (gs), high instantaneous water-use efficiency (WUE), least negative midday water potential (?md) and high leaf specific hydraulic conductance (KL). Quercus margaretta had the least conservative water-use characteristics, exhibiting relatively high gs, low instantaneousWUE,most negative?md, and low KL. Quercus margaretta also had a low photosynthetic nitrogen- use efficiency (PNUE), but a high leaf phosphorus concentration. Quercus incana had the poorest access to soil water, but intermediate water-use characteristics and leaf nutrient characteristics more similar to those of Q. laevis. There were no species differences for photosynthesis (A), leaf nitrogen on an area basis, or seasonally integratedWUE(?13C). Both A and gs were positively correlated for each species, but A and gs were generally not correlated with?pd,?md or??pd-md. Although we found differences in resource use and resource status among these sandhill Quercus spp., the results are consistent with the interpretation that they are generally drought avoiders. Quercus laevis may have an advantage on xeric ridges because of its greater ability to access soil water and use it more conservatively compared with the other Quercus spp.

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