
The discovery and analysis of community structure in networks is a topic of considerable recent interest within the physics community, but most methods proposed so far are unsuitable for very large networks because of their computational cost. Here we present a hierarchical agglomeration algorithm for detecting community structure which is faster than many competing algorithms: its running time on a network with n vertices and m edges is O(m d log n) where d is the depth of the dendrogram describing the community structure. Many real-world networks are sparse and hierarchical, with m ~ n and d ~ log n, in which case our algorithm runs in essentially linear time, O(n log


Citebase - Finding community structure in very large networks

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  • @kibanov
  • @albert.hupa
  • @cabird
  • @bertil.hatt
  • @kurtjx
  • @ldietz
  • @nic
  • @folke
  • @lee_peck
  • @jaeschke
  • @schmitz
  • @lantiq
  • @andreacapocci
  • @hotho
  • @grahl
  • @taynaud
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