
Experimental-psychological study of personality traits of patients with physical handicaps

. Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova, 82 (12): 94--98 (1982)


An experimental psychological investigation into the peculiarities of the personality of 60 senior schoolchildren and adolescents suffering from infantile cerebral paralysis was carried out. On the basis of the results obtained it was shown that with the intellect preserved and as a result of experiencing their psychic inadequacy the patients developed a compensatory personality mechanism. The manifestations of this mechanism in the patients' self-consciousness were an exaggeration of the self-estimation in emotionally unfavourable situations of comparing themselves with the surrounding people, as well as unreal imaginations of the future existing concurrently with objective self-estimation and adequate plans for the future. The discovered compensatory mechanism may serve as an explanation of the development of pseudo-autistic traits in patients suffering from physical defects.

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