
Traduire, est-ce seulement une affaire de traduction ou un paradigme au-delà de l'enseignement de la traduction?

. redit: Revista electrónica de didáctica de la traducción y la interpretación, (2008)


Teaching how to translate requires a complex approach to the biculturalism of the source language and the target language. Beyond linguistic comprehension, relevant knowledge is drawn from cultural, geographic, ethnographic codes, all that will re-emphasize such concepts as meaning, culture, society, history, which are usually dismissed in translations. Our societies' global interdependence gives the translation industry bright prospects, with a broad general culture and specialized knowledge in high demand. Identifications and know-how are blended in this profession where knowledge, skill and experience demonstrate full mastery. The translator determines the balance between equivalence and pragmatics in translation. Transposition to French means performing French language in a rigorous management of translation time. Teaching how to translate is primarily a tightly-reasoned work far more wide-encompassing than teaching translation.

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