
Attitudes towards Migrants and the Perception of Safety in the Context of Ethnicity .

. Ethnic Relations in Slovakia at the Beginning of the 21st Century, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice, (ISSP).(2020)


The presented study analyses the perception of safety and attitudes towards migrants and migration by ethnic communities in the Slovak Republic. The aim of the study was to analyse the relationships, perception of safety, and attitudes towards migration and migrants by selected ethnic groups in Slovakia. At the same time, the attitudes of ethnic communities to economic and cultural benefits as well as the linking of immigrants with crime were examined. The research sample consisted of 1325 members of eight ethnic groups (Slovak, Hungarian, Roma, Ukrainian, Polish, Ruthenian, German, Czech). The results of the study point to a different level of rating of migrants and migration by individual ethnic groups. According to the presented data on the rating of migrants and migration by various ethnic groups living in Slovakia, overall ratings are rather negative. Slovaks, Germans and Czechs were not worried about their safety in relation to migrants. Some concerns were expressed by Hungarians, the Roma, Polish and Ruthenians. Ukrainians were the most worried about foreigners. Slovaks and Germans were also not afraid of the consequences of migration, while other ethnic groups were concerned about their own safety in relation to the economic and cultural consequences of migration.


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