
We use results on Virasoro conformal blocks to study chaotic dynamics in CFT\$\_2\$ at large central charge c. The Lyapunov exponent \$łambda\_L\$, which is a diagnostic for the early onset of chaos, receives \$1/c\$ corrections that may be interpreted as \$łambda\_L = 2 \pi\beta łeft( 1 + 12c \right)\$. However, out of time order correlators receive other equally important \$1/c\$ suppressed contributions that do not have such a simple interpretation. We revisit the proof of a bound on \$łambda\_L\$ that emerges at large \$c\$, focusing on CFT\$\_2\$ and explaining why our results do not conflict with the analysis leading to the bound. We also comment on relationships between chaos, scattering, causality, and bulk locality.

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