
Tool support for verifying UML activity diagrams

, and . (2004)MR: vielleicht nur wegen der Behandlung von UML-Aktivitätsdiagrammen interessant..
DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2004.33


We describe a tool that supports verification of workflow models specified in UML activity diagrams. The tool translates an activity diagram into an input format for a model checker according to a mathematical semantics. With the model checker, arbitrary propositional requirements can be checked against the input model. If a requirement fails to hold, an error trace is returned by the model checker, which our tool presents by highlighting a corresponding path in the activity diagram. We summarize our formal semantics, discuss the techniques used to reduce an infinite state space to a finite one, and motivate the need for strong fairness constraints to obtain realistic results. We define requirement-preserving rules for state space reduction. Finally, we illustrate the whole approach with a few example verifications.


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