
Severe mental retardation in Swedish children born 1959-1970: epidemiological panorama and causative factors.

Ciba Found Symp, (1978)


The findings from two recent Swedish retrospective studies on severely mentally retarded children born 1959-70 are surveyed. One study concerned an average county--Uppsala--in the middle of Sweden, the other a vast northern county, V?sterbotten, with a sparse population. Figures for incidence and prevalence are given, as well as the percentage distribution of aetiological/pathogenic groups and subgroups, and the frequency of multihandicaps. Prenatal causes were apparent in about 70\% of affected children, Down syndrome being the main condition (32\%). A background of mutant genes in severe mental retardation was found significantly more often in V?sterbotten than in Uppsala (17\% and 7\% respectively). Perinatal causes were revealed in 10 and 8\% (9\% of the two series pooled together) and postnatal causes in only 3 and 1\% (2\%). Associated CNS handicaps were present in about half of the children (42\% in Uppsala and 52\% in V?sterbotten), with epilepsy in 30 and 36\%, cerebral palsy in 18\% and 19\%, and a combination of epilepsy and cerebral palsy in 8 and 16\%, respectively.


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