
New Proposed Architecture for Q3 Interface to Manage IP-Based Networks

. International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC), 9 (4): 27-43 (July 2017)
DOI: 10.5121/ijcnc.2017.9403


This paper presents a new architecture of Q3 interface to combine OSI and Internet management protocols CMIP and SNMP with union management protocol in Telecommunication Management Network (TMN) To manage both OSI and IP-based networks, new proposed sub-layer is added between upper layers (SNMP and CMIP) and lower layers stack protocols such that with use of this sub-layer the TMN is able to communicate data between CMIP and SNMP with OSI and TCP/UDP/IP. Results of our simulation are shown that our new architecture named SUL (Sub-layer between Upper and Lower layers) has better performance than CMIP with 12.5% improvement in M-Get and M-Set services and 25% in M-Event Report service. Also SUL architecture performance will overcome to SNMP with 125% in M-Get and M-Set services and 66% in M-Event Report service. Usage of Q3 interface in telecommunication management network will improve the performance of instruction interchange approximately 26.6% in comparison to ordinary telecommunication.

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